Pharma Focus Asia

Lilly and OpenAI Collaborate on Developing New Treatments for Drug-Resistant Bacteria

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY) has partnered with OpenAI to leverage OpenAI's generative AI technology for developing new antimicrobial treatments to combat drug-resistant pathogens. Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a significant global health threat.

Diogo Rau, Executive Vice President and Chief Information and Digital Officer at Lilly, highlighted the collaboration's importance, stating, "Our partnership with OpenAI represents a significant step in addressing the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance. Generative AI offers a promising approach to accelerate the discovery of novel antimicrobials and develop customized technologies to fight drug-resistant pathogens. This collaboration underscores our commitment to tackling major health challenges worldwide."

AMR affects countries across different income levels, worsened by socioeconomic factors and the misuse of antimicrobials in humans, animals, and agriculture, posing serious risks to public health.

OpenAI, expressed enthusiasm for the collaboration, saying, "We are excited to work with Lilly to advance treatments for microbial infections. Advanced AI has the potential to bring transformative advancements in pharmaceuticals, and we are dedicated to partnering with industry leaders to deliver tangible benefits for patients."

Lilly's collaboration with OpenAI builds on its existing commitment to combating drug-resistant pathogens through initiatives like the Social Impact Venture Capital Portfolio. In 2020, Lilly committed $100 million to the AMR Action Fund, aiming to develop two to four new antibiotics by 2030 and strengthen defenses against multi-drug-resistant pathogens. In April 2023, the AMR Action Fund announced new investments in biotech companies focusing on various infections.



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